







Read the following essay by G. Clarke, then

1. Rewrite it in Chinese. (50%)

2. Based on what you know about NGOs in Taiwan, write a short essay in English (about 200 words) supporting one of the positions stated in Clark’s essay. (50%)

Non-Governmental Organizations and Civil Society in the Developing World.

A central premise of the NGO literature is that NGO proliferation strengthens civil society by advocating and supporting the reform of the state, by organizing and mobilizing disempowered social strata, and by supplementing the traditional institutions of democracy such as political parties, trade unions and the media, minority view, however, based on African examples, suggests that NGOs can weaken civil society by pressing fundamentalist, ethnic, ideological or parochial claims or by enforcing personality-based politics. Among those who suggest that NGOs strengthen civil society, a number of ideological positions are evident. Liberals see NGOs as a “third sector”, remedying the institutional weaknesses of both the state and private sector in promoting socio-economic development. Neo-liberals, meanwhile, see NGOs as part of the private sector, of socio-economic significance mainly, delivering services to the poor cheaply, equitably and efficiently. To intellectuals and activists on the left, however, NGOs carry hopes of a “new politics” that eschews the capture of state power and the centralizing tendencies of the Marxist-Leninist movements of which many NGOs were born, but which retains the commitment to a structural transformation of society.